Whether you're new to self-defense and Krav Maga, or you're looking to freshen up your knowledge because you may not have a Krav Maga training facility near you, this blog is a great place to start for beginners and more advanced practitioners for tactical combat and self-defense techniques.
There are many groups in society that struggle with being able to defend themselves. Predators, who are also cowards, look for prey that will give them what they want, whatever that may be, with as little of a struggle as possible. They certainly don’t want someone who is willing to fight back.
There can’t be a worse feeling than that of helplessness. To constantly walk around with a constant feeling out of not being in control is a terrible sensation. To make matters worse, violence against people 60+ increased by 53% between 2008 and 2016 according to U.S. News. From 2002 to 2016, nonfatal assault rose 75.4%. An estimated 1 of 6 seniors will experience some type of violence and the worst part? 58% of the assailants are either related or know the victim.
No one should have to live in constant fear and in a state of helplessness, regardless of religion, sexual orientation, race, size, gender or age. Yet, violence against...
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